PROGRAM for February 11
Peace Prayer
Medi I
Act of Contrition
People In Trouble
The Lord Says
A New Creed
Our Father
Eagle Poem
I Have a Dream
Glory to God above all things
Peace on earth to all loved by God
We praise you, we bless you
we thank you because you are
who you are
Holy Spirit
(Give us peace, o Lord...)
People in trouble,
children in pain.
Too weak to care,
too mean to share
Worked so hard trying to help a brother,
became impatient,
now we hate each other
America, land of the free?
images of real life tell us the truth
Have our minds become numb
mouths paralyzed, avoiding confrontation?
We were put upon this earth
not to hate each other but to love,
understanding fear of those who differ.
We must not let silence be our sin.
I have a dream, yes a dream
Listen oh Lord, while I pray the people shall be free
There will be love from north to south,
From mountain tops let freedom ring
We shall be free
I have a dream
Oh, my God,
I detest all the sins of my life
Sorry for having offended Thee,
who art all good.
I resolve
with the help of Thy Grace
Oh God,
never to sin again
The Lord says,
"I think thoughts of peace
and not of affiliation.
You shall call upon me,
and I will hear you
and I will bring back your captivity
from all places"
Lord, you have favored your land
you have restored the well-being
of Jacob
Thank You
Our Father who art in Heaven
hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on Earth
as is in Heaven
Give us this day
our daily Bread
and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil